Sunday, January 12, 2014

Just Keep Learning

Hello everyone!
How are you all? 
I have like zero time to write or add sorry! We had a district activity - playing basketball and a little football...I tore it up with these latinos haha
But anyway, as for this past week! What happened...Oh! it was Zac Efron's birthday on the 18th...haha
But really. So, the news. Francisco Rojas is out of jail! Someone paid to bail him out. So we shall see where things go. They are scheduled to get baptized this weekend, and we are hopefully gonna make it happen!
We taught Carolina and Martina tithing, and they loved it. When we told Martina she could get baptized, she cheered and did a fist pump! Haha...children are so special. They get it a lot better than us adults sometimes. 
We visited a member's fiance - the one from Kenya! Did i tell you about her yet? Well she is super awesome. She speaks no Spanish. Only English, Swahili, and Lu. (african tribe language). She is super black and pretty tall and we love her! She is getting married in November and asked me and Hna Paicely to be her bridesmaides! She even took down our dress measurements and everything. What a cutie!
We also get to teach her in English...which is easier and harder all at the same time. We often slip into Spanish, and she looks at us with a blank look...and then we realize that we arent speaking English anymore. But when we do speak in English, its amazing how easily we can say what we really want to say! I cant wait to share the gospel in English AND Spanish for the rest of my life!
We had Stake Conference this weekend, and it was super good. I just keep realizing how blessed I am and how blessed ive always been. I am so grateful for this gospel!
Advice for the week: Don't think with your eyes or mind so much. Think with your heart! "One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes." -Little Prince
LOVE YOU ALL! Enjoy your week!
Hermana Amy Schrader

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